Press here → (Hamas. ✌🏻) Hamas,the Islamic resistance movement in Palestine. the definition. It is an armed Palestinian...
Press here → (Hamas. ✌🏻) Hamas,the Islamic resistance movement in Palestine. the definition. It is an armed Palestinian...
Press Here →(Sheikh Ahmed Yassin ♥️) Ahmed Yassin Sheikh of the Mujahideen The martyr Ahmed Yassin, the crippled, who...
Press here→ (Zionist Conferences) Zionist Conferences and Summary of the Elders of Zion Jewish leaders held twenty-three conferences from...
Press here→ (The Zionist entity's massacres)
press here → (Landmarks of Al-Aqsa Mosque. ♥️)
Press Here → (Landmarks in Palestine) Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock Al-Aqsa Mosque is located in the...
Press Here → (GAZA ♥️) Gaza strip is the southern region of the Palestinian coastal plain on the Mediterranean Sea. In...
Press here → (Amr ibn al-Aas, the conqueror of Gaza) and the rest of Palestine and Egypt He is Abu...
Press here → ( Prophets and companions buried in Palestine ) One of the characteristics and features of the land...
مؤسسة دعوية لا علاقة لها بالسياسة ولا المشاركة السياسية من قريب ولا بعيد، ولا تابعة لأي جماعة ولا اي حزب سياسي في أي بلد ولا اي مكان
منهجنا الدعوة إلى الإسلام بعقيدة ومنهج سلف الأمة.
حقوق الاقتباس متاحة للجميع حتى تعم الفائدة